
Hi, and welcome to the crazy! A place for a crazy single mum to type what is on her mind.. Please keep your arms & legs inside the carriage at all times, and hang the f*ck on!

23 July, 2011

The crazy continues...

SO. I've been trying to get a job in Real Estate for sometime now. A little hard when you have no experience or qualifications though! So I had it all planned! I was going to do my Property Management Registration, and THEN apply for a heap more jobs! Full-time work, here I come!
And thennnnnnnn.... One day, I was trawling Seek, as part of my daily ritual, when I come across a job. A local job. A job I KNEW I could get. Before I knew what the hell I was doing, I had applied for it!!! WHATTTTT!? I do NOTTTTTTTTT want to go back to Hospitality!! The last thing I want to do is bust my ass all day at work, and then come home to take care of my little froggy, as well as maintain a respectable house! So when I was offered the job, after much deliberation and brain storming, I had decided I would turn the job down! After all, I only applied for the job as a bit of an ego boost. Just to remind myself I still had it. Which, of course, I do LOL. So I called them up the next day, with every intention of turning the job down! But no, I had to accept it!? WHAT THE FUCK!? Surely I've lost my mind for committing such a crazy act!
So now, long story short (or not...), I am going to be a single mum with a full-time job, living in a state with NO family to help me out when I'm fried. Oh lordy... What have I done!?

Must say though, I am slightly excited at the prospect of returning to work! I'm not the slightest bit nervous (still time for that to kick in though!), but I am scared to leave my little froggy in daycare 5 days a week!! However will I cope!? Part of me is looking forward to a break from him, after having him attached to me for the past 21 months... But the bigger part of me knows that 5 days without him is too much! Ahhhh, I feel the water works brewing just THINKING about dropping him off at 6:30 on Monday morning! *sob*

Oohhhhh, the best part about all this working business!? (aside from the renewed sense of independence) I'll be cooking! And cleaning. ALLLLLLLL day!!!!!!! Oh yes, I have most definitely lost my mind!!! I give it approximately 2 weeks before were living off takeaway and living in a pigsty! LOL.

Ahh, that'll do dear followers... LOL, followers.... So stalkerish! ...IIIIII LIKE IT! Hehe.

Peace out kidlets! x
Soon to be my house... LOL.

11 July, 2011

Menu Planning... (13/7-26/7)

*sulk* So my menu planning hasn't really stuck this past week. SLAAAAAAAACKKKKK! LOL. Been clearing out the cupboards of useless easy to make meals, much to my diets disgust!

But anyway, new fortnight approaching, and I'm determined to stick this one out!!!! :D

Wednesday: Chicken parma & chips.
Thursday: Cheesy tomato risotto. (oink!)
Friday: herb crusted fish w/ steamed vegetables.
Saturday: LEFTOVERS! (see, planned laziness! haha)
Sunday: Chicken & sweet potato casserole.
Monday: Homemade pizzas.
Tuesday: Lamb cutlets w/ potato & pumpkin mash. 
Wednesday: Vegetarian lasagne w/ sweet potato chips (all homemade!).
Thursday: Roast beef w/ roast vegetables.
Friday: Beef casserole.
Saturday: LEFTOVERS!
Sunday: Steak w/ steamed vegetables.
Monday: Chicken cacciatore. (I'm scared!!)
Tuesday: Tightass Tuesday! :)

Good looking week, I must say!

Peace out! x

08 July, 2011

Menu Planning... (7/7-13/7)

Yep, it's official; I'm a real mum now! (because merely pushing out a baby does not make you a mum! LOL!) I menu plan! It's good fun, and I'm hoping it will help me save some coin by not wasting so much food every week! Wasted food is so depressing... Not to mention the latest health kick starts on Monday! Eeeeeeep!

So I figured I'd share my menu planning journey with you... It's been going on for awhile (on and off of course!) but it's serious business now! ;)

Thursday: Tacos!
Friday: Roast lamb w/ roast vegetables.
Saturday: Lamb casserole (using leftover roast lamb).
Sunday: T-bone steak w/ steamed vegies & potato mash.
Monday: Pesto chicken pasta. 
Tuesday: Bacon & mushroom risotto. 
Wednesday: Lamb cutlets w/ potato gratin.

Mmmmm, yummy week I must say! ;)

Peace out kidlets! x

06 July, 2011

It's been awhile...

Soooooo... I haven't blogged in awhile! Things have been crazy! Little froggy isn't quite so little anymore, and he takes great pleasure in constantly mix things up for me!
I've turned hippy ladies and gentlemen! Not anti-shaving, tie-dye wearing, dready owning style hippy... But hippy nonetheless. It's been, in a word, fun.
I'm finally getting settled into Perth! Only taken me nearly 6 months!! YES, in 2 weeks I celebrate my 6 month anniversary with this backwards state! Ahhh, what fun, and interesting times I've had! I'm hoping to study next month, in order to get a job in Real Estate. I'm finding it a little hard to get a job with no qualifications, so hopefully this makes it easier! Have also FINALLY sorted out daycare!! Intense. REAL intense! But done. YAY!
Am also about to kickstart a lifestyle change! No more junk food. No feeling sorry for myself because things are tough. No binging on chocolate because I feel lonely late at night... Just straight up happiness and healthy eating! I believe the two go hand in hand though... No more fat flap = happyyyyyyyy Leelee. Happy Leelee = healthy Leelee!!! WINNERRRRRRRRR.

OK, must be off. Little frog child has awoken from the depths of hell after his afternoon nap, and is going to obtain attention from neighbours with his SCREAMING if I don't let him out ASAP.

Peace out kidlets! x