And thennnnnnnn.... One day, I was trawling Seek, as part of my daily ritual, when I come across a job. A local job. A job I KNEW I could get. Before I knew what the hell I was doing, I had applied for it!!! WHATTTTT!? I do NOTTTTTTTTT want to go back to Hospitality!! The last thing I want to do is bust my ass all day at work, and then come home to take care of my little froggy, as well as maintain a respectable house! So when I was offered the job, after much deliberation and brain storming, I had decided I would turn the job down! After all, I only applied for the job as a bit of an ego boost. Just to remind myself I still had it. Which, of course, I do LOL. So I called them up the next day, with every intention of turning the job down! But no, I had to accept it!? WHAT THE FUCK!? Surely I've lost my mind for committing such a crazy act!
So now, long story short (or not...), I am going to be a single mum with a full-time job, living in a state with NO family to help me out when I'm fried. Oh lordy... What have I done!?
Must say though, I am slightly excited at the prospect of returning to work! I'm not the slightest bit nervous (still time for that to kick in though!), but I am scared to leave my little froggy in daycare 5 days a week!! However will I cope!? Part of me is looking forward to a break from him, after having him attached to me for the past 21 months... But the bigger part of me knows that 5 days without him is too much! Ahhhh, I feel the water works brewing just THINKING about dropping him off at 6:30 on Monday morning! *sob*
Oohhhhh, the best part about all this working business!? (aside from the renewed sense of independence) I'll be cooking! And cleaning. ALLLLLLLL day!!!!!!! Oh yes, I have most definitely lost my mind!!! I give it approximately 2 weeks before were living off takeaway and living in a pigsty! LOL.
Ahh, that'll do dear followers... LOL, followers.... So stalkerish! ...IIIIII LIKE IT! Hehe.
Peace out kidlets! x
Soon to be my house... LOL. |